Season 2, Episode 6

Procrastination - Is it a superpower or a curse?

How and why procrastination occurs in the context of our businesses and our personal lives

Tips, tricks and hacks for dealing with procrastination and issues with focus

A balanced perspective on procrastination, taking into account neurodiversity and how our brains are naturally wired

The release of our Task Management Toolkit digital download, to aid in handling procrastination

Procrastination - Is it a superpower or a curse?

Procrastination is something that trips up almost every single person at some point in their lives, because after all, we are only human. Whether it's getting started on something at work or in your business, or perhaps it's a task in your personal life that you've been putting off for weeks on end, it can happen to us all.

In this episode of A Cup of Something Lovely, Laura tackles all things procrastination, specifically in the context of entrepreneurship. She talks through some of her own experiences over the years, in her corporate career and in her business, along with sharing some hints and tricks on overcoming this.

Then, towards the end of the episode, she shares an alternative perspective that actually paints procrastination in a far more positive light, along with celebrating the release of our Task Management Toolkit, which has been specifically designed to support your levels of productivity and focus. 

Episode highlights

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Our main website - to discover our latest offerings + support options:

Our main EF&G account - to connect with Laura:

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Our Blossom account - for our digital downloads, courses + resources:

Episode transcript

To ensure A Cup of Something Lovely is as accessible as possible, we're also pleased to provide the full episode transcript. This provides you with a full written version of this episode. You can access it by hitting this button.

Now, operating out of a place of, like, resentment and self loathing, it's not going to help anybody. So, what I would say is, when it comes to procrastination as a kind of habit, if this is something that has really tripped you up over the years and over the last few months, then, like, forgive yourself for it. The more likely it becomes that you'll actually be able to get over your current procrastination and take action as if you can, like, forgive yourself for the actions that you may have taken historically. And that, as I say, that self compassion, that self care, like, we have to create empathetic environments within our businesses.

Magic Moment...

- Laura Greenland

Meet your podcast host

I'm Laura - and it's lovely to meet you.

I'm a Creative Business Coach - I've been building my business since the end of 2019 and this year, we've successfully and soulfully scaled to six figures. 

Now, my journey hasn't been linear. A toxic experience in corporate, redundancy during the COVID pandemic and 1.5 years running my business as a digital nomad on the road.

I'm here to support you transform your life and business - from corporate and conventional, to connected and creative - just like I did.

A Cup of Something Lovely brings together my adventures and experiences - and every episode is designed to inspire and encourage.

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Thanks so much! 

Laura x

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